Breast Augmentation Procedure

clinicreview July 27, 2023
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Breast Augmentation is an FDA-approved procedure enhancing the size and shape of the breasts for an aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Involving breast implants such as silicone implants, saline implants, or gummy bear implants, it aims to boost women’s confidence by providing them with their desired bust size and profile.

Understanding the Procedure

The breast augmentation procedure begins with a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who evaluates your health, discusses your expectations, and takes pre-operative measurements. The surgeon will help you choose the type of implant, its volume, and profile (shape), whether round or anatomical, to achieve your desired look.

The procedure involves making incisions at specific incision sites such as inframammary, periareolar, or transaxillary. The chosen implant is then inserted into a pocket either above the chest muscle (subglandular placement) or below it (submuscular placement).

Types of Implants

Breast implants come in various types and textures. Silicone implants are popular due to their natural feel, while saline implants are filled with sterile salt water after being inserted, allowing for smaller incisions.

  1. Silicone Implants: These have a natural feel. They come filled with silicone gel.
  2. Saline Implants: These are filled with salt water after they are inserted. This allows for smaller cuts.
  3. Gummy Bear Implants: These keep their shape even if the shell is broken. They feel and look natural.
  4. Smooth Shell Implants: These feel soft and can move naturally in the breast.
  5. Textured Shell Implants: These have scar tissue that sticks to the implant. This reduces movement and the chance of capsular contracture.

Gummy bear implants or cohesive gel implants maintain their shape even when the implant shell is broken. These implants can be either smooth shell implants or textured shell implants to reduce the chance of capsular contracture.

Post-Procedure Care and Recovery

Post-procedure, the surgeon may use compression garments and drainage tubes to manage swelling. Patients are given aftercare advice, and incision healing is monitored closely.

The recovery time varies, but most women return to regular activities within a week or two, following a carefully prescribed post-operative care plan. Regular follow-ups ensure patient satisfaction and monitor for potential complications like implant rupture or silicone leakage.

Risks and Complications

As with any surgical procedure, breast augmentation has potential risks and complications, including capsular contracture, implant rupture, changes in breast sensation, and surgical scars. When you choose a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon with proven surgical expertise, these risks are minimized.

Expectations and Results

Breast augmentation offers immediate results, which improve as swelling decreases and the skin stretches to accommodate the new implant volume. Long-term effects depend on the implant type, with some needing replacement after several years.

It’s a procedure that can effectively address breast asymmetry and enhance size (size enhancement), providing natural-looking results that many women find to improve their self-confidence.

Final Thoughts

In summary, breast augmentation is a personal decision that has the potential to improve a woman’s self-image significantly.

Understanding the procedure, its risks, and the commitment to proper post-operative care is essential to ensure the best possible outcome.

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